Before becoming a CPR Recorder

5 min readMar 10, 2023
Staff members at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn in 2010 trying to revive a patient who suffered a cardiac arrest. Credit: Ashley Gilbertson for The New York Times


The app was created because the developer wanted to make something that could help others during a time when they had some free time. They spoke to a doctor friend about whether there was anything they could create to help in case of an emergency and found out that normally in the emergency room, if someone has a heart attack and needs defibrillation, the medical team has to follow a set procedure that starts with timing how long the patient has been in cardiac arrest. Usually, 1–2 people will control the time and record the information on paper while a doctor assesses the patient’s condition and administers medication and CPR until their heartbeat returns to normal. It turns out that one position where an app could be helpful is the person who times and records the data.


We’re announcing a call for volunteers through Facebook. Who would have thought? Anyone interested in volunteering with us, please let us know.

And here are the faces of all the participants.

Everyone has joined, let’s get to work.


For this project, we won’t rush anything, we’ll just keep working on it steadily. But for other projects, we should plan everything from now on.

Before we start the development process, we want everyone to have a clear understanding. In this context, the word “User” refers to doctors or medical personnel who will be using this application.

How to develop

  1. Gathering Requirements

This involves gathering requirements from users about the steps they want to take and breaking them down into features. We’ll prioritize the core features of the application and start organizing them.

From gathering requirements, we summarized the information we will implement in the first version.

CPR Recorder Icon

CPR Recorder is an application for healthcare professionals and paramedics to maintain medical records during the real-time CPR Algorithm. This app also allows you to convert records to image files to be stored on device.

-Aiding the timing of chest accurate compressions during CPR.
-Setting notifications for assessment and medication administration.
-Rendering medical records into image files.
-Providing the flow chart of CPR algorithm as in-app features.

Once we have the main core of the application, let’s start designing together.

2. Design Wireframes

It’s the designer’s job to create wireframes from the requirements we’ve gathered to ensure everyone has a clear picture. After that, we’ll test it with users and make any necessary changes. Once everyone on the team agrees, then we can move on to the next step.

3. Designing UX/UI

The designer will start adding details to each page’s UI and create a realistic demo.

CPR Recorder on Zeplin

4. Testing with Users

Test the demo created with real users. If everything passes or is fixed, move on to the next step.

Demo on Figma

5. Develop

This is where the developer takes over building the application and makes it functional. It’s like being a wizard in a magical world.

CPR Rocorder on Android Studio

6. Testing

Normally, if there is a QA (Quality Assurance) in the team, they will take care of this task. However, since we don’t have one for this project, everyone needs to help with testing. Once all the bugs are fixed, we can prepare for release.

7. Launch

Launching doesn’t mean having a meal. It’s just a word that sounds similar, but it means to release the app. Easy peasy. When the app is finished, we can upload it to the Google Play Store.

What are you waiting for? Go download it here!

8. Maintenance

This is the developer’s job to check for bugs through Firebase Crashlytics and keep updating the libraries to the latest version. They may also need to refactor the code to make it easier to develop new features in the future.

We’re done with the CPR Recorder app. Thanks a lot to all the volunteer team members who sacrificed their time to help develop it.

Things we learned from this project:

  • We used Project Management skills in developing the app from scratch, gathering requirements ourselves, and launching the product.
  • Communication skills were essential as we had to communicate with various parties, including users and team members with diverse knowledge.
  • We did things we’ve never done before on the Developer side. Normally, when we work for a company, we may not be the ones uploading the app to the store. However, in this project, we had to do it ourselves, or we had to build the entire project framework ourselves. This was a good opportunity for us to try it out.

If you have an idea, just go ahead and do it. Don’t overthink it…

Finally, take care and stay safe with love and concern. ❤️❤️❤️

